See Google Tools That Can Help Boost Your
Knowledge As A Student
The five Google tools that can boost your knowledge as a student include YouTube, Google Docs, Google
Drive, Google Scholar, and Google Calendar. These tools are designed for you to enhance your learning
experience. They offer up-to-date features that you'll need to achieve academic excellence. This article
will cover a detailed guide on how you can utilize these five tools to boost your knowledge as a student.
Let’s get started!
YouTube, as a platform, is more than a platform to just watch comedy videos. It can be an educational
resource for you. Yes, you can get lectures ranging from engineering to even literature.
To make things interesting, most lectures you receive from tutors on YouTube are usually carried out by
experts in the field. So, you are guaranteed to understand whatever topic you wish to learn on YouTube.
For instance, let's assume you're struggling with understanding organic chemistry. A quick search on
YouTube shows hundreds of tutorials that can help you understand organic chemistry better. The visual
aids used by the tutors when lecturing make the subject simpler and relatable.
Honestly, it is one of the best tools you'll find enjoyable as a student.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is another commonly used Google tool that offers access to articles, research papers,
and academic journals.
It is good to note that these materials on Google Scholar are written by scholars who have undergone
research on that same topic. So, if you wish to expand your knowledge on a particular topic, then,
Google Scholars is all you need for that.
With Google Scholar, you can discover hundreds of publications that touch on any topic. When you read
these articles, you'll be able to conduct your research without stress.
Google Drive
Google Drive tops the list when it comes to organization. This is true because, with Google Drive, you
can keep track of your academic programs. You can arrange notes, assignments, and other documents
that you need as a student.
Thanks to Google Drive, you don't have to fear misplacing your notes. You can make a soft copy of your
notes and arrange them using Google Drive. This enables you to access your materials anytime, and
anywhere. So long as you have an internet connection wherever you are, then, all is sorted.
Another impressive fact about Google Drive is that it offers a suite of features designed to enhance
seamless collaboration. With real-time capabilities, you can collaborate with classmates in real-time,
brainstorm ideas, and refine your work together, regardless of geographical barriers.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar is a tool that helps you manage your academic schedule. You can keep track of
deadlines and work towards them using Google Calendar.
With Google Calendar, you can create events, set reminders, and schedule tasks with ease. This would
help in ensuring that you never miss a class or assignment deadline again.
Take, for example, you have a midterm exam coming up in two weeks. When you create an event using
Google Calendar and set reminders before the date, that can help you prepare well for the exams. It
would help you break your study session and increase your overall chances of passing the exam.
Google Docs
Google Docs is a game-changer when it comes to collaborative writing and document creation.
With Google Docs, you can work on a document simultaneously with your classmates and watch as
changes are being made in real-time.
Google Docs makes it possible for each member of your group to contribute their ideas to a project in
real-time. The features of Google Docs, such as Edits and Revision History, can help your work meet the
requirements of your supervisor.
To be honest, the introduction of Google has made learning easier for everyone. Students all over the
world are also huge beneficiaries of Google educational tools. When students use these tools to the
fullest, then they can reach academic excellence both easier and faster. Don't you think so?
So, have you used any of these tools as a student? If so, kindly drop a comment relating to your
experience with any of these tools.