6 Best Study Apps For Students
Many students find it hard to study these days. This is mainly because of the distractions around them.
One of the distractions they face is the use of mobile phones. They use mobile phones a lot and this can
hamper their study time. However, do you know they can use this phone to their advantage?
Several apps on your phone can boost your education. These apps are designed to help you cope with
your studies. They are also designed to improve your thinking ability. Do you care to find out about
some of these apps? Here are some of them:
Dragon Anywhere
Have you thought of an app that can write text without using the keyboard? The Dragon Anywhere app
allows you to create text off dictation.
You can dictate any word to the app. It would simply text it for you. So, if you are in the class and you
need to record the notes of your lecturer, you can do it easily.
The beauty of this app is that you do not need to do much. Just download the Dragon Anywhere app
from the Google Play store. Then, create an account. Voila! You can start writing every word from your
lecturer without using keys.
Microsoft Lens
Microsoft has made this app for students in high school. This app allows you to take photographs of
items. In school, you may encounter a confusing diagram on the board. You can easily take a picture of
this diagram. This app has top picture quality. The Microsoft App also allows you to scan text from a
Students can take advantage of this by downloading this app. It is available on both Android and iOS
Before taking any picture, it is advised you ask your lecturer if phones are allowed in class. Doing this
would allow you to avoid any punishment you may face.
Clockify is another app designed for students. This app allows you to create schedules for different
activities. It is very similar to Google Calendar.
Clockify tracks the time you spend on a particular activity. It helps you set daily targets on the time you
waste on some specific events.
When you begin a new semester, it can be tough to keep track of new courses. This is where Clockify
comes in. It enables you to devote time to specific activities. Regardless of where you are, it raises an
alarm to call your attention.
As usual, this app can be used by Android and iOS users. You can simply search for "Clockify" in your App
Store. Click on “Install” to download the app. Then, launch the app. Voila! Start scheduling your activity.
MyHomework Student Planner
You can tell that this app is designed for undergraduates. It is designed to help students schedule their
assignments. This app allows students to schedule their assignments.
They can also set a date and time to prepare for a test. You are allowed to color different activities on
the app. This simply means that you can choose a Blue color for the assignment. Additionally, you can
opt for red for the test.
As the name suggests, you get to plan your activity. This app can help you get serious with your studies
in college. All you need do is download the app via Playstore on Android. It is also available for iOS
Quizlet is another app that is used to improve your thinking skills. This app just functions like a flashcard.
It allows you to make cards for a preferred topic. For students, you can write all your courses. Do well to
include images in these cards.
For example, you can include any new word you have heard. You can research these words each day.
Doing this regularly would increase your word bank.
This app can be downloaded on your Android phone. Although, you would need to subscribe to the
Quizlet app. The subscription to the Quizlet app is very affordable. The subscription plan starts at $7.8
Google Calendar
This app is created by Google. Although, this app is not specifically for students. However, it can be used
by students. This app helps you schedule your study. You can simply input your school timetable into
this app.
Google Calendar is very efficient when it comes to reminders. It would help you keep track of what you
are to do during the day.
Most times, it is common nature for students to repeat activities like sports and outdoor recreation. So,
you can easily input this activity on your Google calendar.
This would help you go a day without missing your activity. If you have a group study online, you can
simply make a group calm to your friends.
This app can be downloaded on your Google Play Store. It is also very accessible on your app for iOS
These apps require discipline to adopt. Stick to the time you have scheduled to study. This would help
you make the most of your knowledge.